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Year 7 Subjects

Subjects are organised into semesters and students participate in a program of study which takes into account a balance between the major learning areas.

Choosing subjects for Year 7 is an important process. Each student will also need to read through very carefully, with family and Homeroom Teacher guidance, the course descriptions contained in this online course guide.

Core Subjects

The Cardijn College core subjects offered for Year 7 students are:


Duration of Course – Full Year
Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description

The English curriculum is built around the 3 interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Together, the 3 strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. 

In Year 7, students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They listen to, read, view, analyse, interpret, create and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts. Texts may include various types of media, online and digital texts, novels, non-fiction, film, poetry and dramatic performances. The features of these texts may be used by students as models for creating their own work.

The English curriculum helps students to engage imaginatively and critically with literature and appreciate its aesthetic qualities. They explore ideas and perspectives about human experience and cultural significance, interpersonal relationships, and ethical and global issues within real-world and fictional settings. Through the study of texts, students develop an understanding of themselves and their place in the world. 


In Responding to Texts students consider how authors communicate information, ideas, messages and perspectives to impact and influence the reader. They explore the relationship between purpose, audience, context, text structures and language features by engaging with a range of text types, including:

  • Prose
  • Poetry 
  • Drama
  • Feature films and short visual texts
  • Media texts (print and web-based)

In Creating Texts students create a range of texts by experimenting with language and stylistic features for a range of purposes and audiences. Students will produce responses (in written, oral or multimodal forms) that are intended to:

  • Engage or entertain
  • Inform and educate
  • Persuade and critique
  • Analyse and evaluate 

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 English through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Responding to texts
  • Assessment Type 2: Creating texts
  • Assessment Type 3: Language conventions

Health & PE

Duration of Course – Full Year
​Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description
Health & PE facilitates the development of skills and strategies that will inform healthy, safe and active decisions. The aim of this thematic approach is to empower students to better their health and wellbeing as well as recognising the importance of this within their community.

Students will have the opportunity to think critically and creatively while applying personal and social skills. Students will develop skills to maintain respectful and trusting relationships that will promote safety, inclusiveness and resilience. Students will focus and discuss a range of complex issues that they are likely to encounter throughout their lives and learn a variety of ways to navigate a world of competing values, rights, interests and norms.

Students will be exposed to learning the movement skills and concepts delivered through a variety of game categories and will explore the role that games, sports, outdoor recreation, rhythmic and expressive activities contribute to participation in a healthy lifestyle. Students will reflect on and refine their personal and social skills as they participate in a range of physical activities. 

Health & PE supports students to refine a range of specialised knowledge, understanding and skills concerning their health, safety, wellbeing and movement competence and confidence.

Physical Education

  • Group Dynamics
  • Athletics
  • Net, Wall and Court Divided Games
  • Invasion Games
  • Striking and Fielding Games
  • Jump Rope for Heart
  • Sport Education (SEPEP)


  • SunSmart
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Nutrition
  • Heart Health

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Health & PE through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Folio
  • Assessment Type 2: Practical

Humanities and Social Science (HaSS)

Duration of Course – Full Year
Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description
The Year 7 Humanities and Social Science (HaSS) course offers a broad overview of the key developments of the past and the present. This is done with an eye to what the future may bring and a realisation that each society has decision-making systems, institutions and processes based on principles and values. Students explore the relationships humans have with each other through the lens of time, environment, economics, civics, and citizenship.

This subject aims to ensure that students develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect for places, people, cultures, and systems throughout the world. Through this course students will develop the ability to question, think critically, problem solve, communicate effectively, make decisions, and adapt to change.


Topic 1: History

  • Deep time history of Australia
  • Ancient Egypt

Topic 2: Civics and Citizenship

  • Key features of Australia’s System of Government
  • The Australian Legal System

Topic 3: Geography

  • Water in the World
  • Place and Liveability

Topic 4: Economics and Business

  • Economic Fundamentals
  • Entrepreneurial skills for the future

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 HaSS in a variety of ways. They complete six-seven summative assessments over the course of the year.


Duration of Course – Full Year
Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description
The study of mathematics is central to the learning, development and prospects of all young Australians. Through this course, students develop adaptive reasoning and strategic competence to apply logical ideas in both abstract and contextual ways. The conceptual understanding and procedural fluency supports this problem solving and develops the thinking skills needed to flourish in a modern and changing world.
Students develop an understanding of number through operations and variety of sets of numbers, including square, prime and composite numbers. Exploration of space includes geometry of circles, polygons and lines. Students will plan and conduct statistical investigations with probabilistic outcomes. Algebra is introduced through equations and thinking tasks.

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Mathematics through the following assessment types:

  • Directed Mathematical Investigations
  • Mathematical Tests
  • Reflection on Thinking Tasks

Religious Education

Duration of Course – Full Year
​Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description
Religious Education fosters the integration of faith, culture and life. We embrace and apply Joseph Cardijn’s ‘See, Judge, Act’ methodology to our local, national and global communities and we support and encourage our students to become active contributors to our world. This is achieved by seeking to create environments that enhance learning, nurture young people and empower them to actively strive to serve others and be responsible for themselves, others and the environment. Students are invited to be engaged in the exploration and celebration of the Catholic story in all its richness and diversity through reflection, prayer and action for the good of others and the world.

The Religious Education curriculum is effectively derived from the Crossways Religious Education Curriculum and the Made in The Image of God: Human Sexuality Curriculum.


  • Belonging to the Cardijn Community
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Sacraments
  • Care for Creation
  • The Liturgical Year
  • The Spirit of Giving  
  • Made in the Image of God (Human Sexuality)

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Religious Education through the following assessment types:

  • Evidence based learning / research based learning
  • Art pieces
  • Oral and group presentations
  • Multimodal texts
  • Work folios


Course Duration – Full Year
Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description
Students are provided with opportunities to develop an understanding of scientific concepts, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge and the contribution of science to contemporary cultures and its application to our daily lives. Students can experience the thrill of scientific discovery by investigating phenomena using Scientific Method and by practising critical and creative thinking and problem solving. Students explore the impact of scientific discovery and new technologies on society and consider the ethical issues involved.

Strands studied under the Australian Curriculum are Science Understanding, Science Inquiry, and Science as a Human Endeavour. Together, the three strands of the Science curriculum provide students with a greater understanding and the skills required to develop a scientific view of the world and make informed decisions about local, national and global issues.

The Year 7 Science course consists of the following areas of study:

Biological sciences:

  • Classification
  • Food webs and food chains

Chemical sciences:

  • States of matter
  • Mixtures

Earth and space sciences:

  • Cycles of the Earth, sun and moon

Physical sciences:

  • Forces

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Science through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio
  • Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks

Year 7 Essentials

Duration of Course – Semester only
Entry Point – Compulsory in Year 7

Subject Description

As part of every Year 7s orientation and ongoing transition to Cardijn College, all students will complete Year 7 Essentials in Semester 1. 


The Year 7 Essentials course consists of the following areas of study:

  • Orientation to Cardijn College
  • Academic procedures and supports
  • Positive education and wellbeing
  • Student personal responsibility at Cardijn
  • Study skills and organisation 
  • Technology at Cardijn 

Elective Subjects

Students select at least one from each category.



Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Students will have the opportunity to design, create and market new products or ideas. They will use traditional art techniques and digital media, including photography, whilst learning about the elements and principles of design. Students will make connections with other cultures and the world around them in the creation of their work, through the study of designers from different contexts.


  • Design principles and process
  • Exploration of art materials and techniques
  • Concept development and entrepreneurial skills
  • Resolution and presentation of design works
  • Learning about design in different contexts

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Visual Arts: Design through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Practical
  • Assessment Type 2: Folio


Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Drama students learn to think, move, speak and act with confidence. In making and staging drama, they learn how to be focused, innovative and resourceful, collaborate and take on responsibilities for drama presentations. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental elements of drama. Students develop a sense of inquiry and empathy exploring and responding to drama works created by themselves and others.


  • Improvisation
  • Drama in film
  • Ensemble performance
  • Reflective journal 

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Drama through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Performance
  • Assessment Type 2: Investigation
  • Assessment Type 3: Folio

Music Advanced

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

This course is designed for students who already have a musical background and provides the opportunity for students to develop and extend their musical understandings, abilities and potential in a range of contexts. Students refine and develop their musicianship and engage in learning that develops music literacy and cultural awareness that reflects the world of performers, composers and audiences. The subject provides a foundation for the Advanced Music pathway at Cardijn College.

Students who apply for this course will partake in an interview to determine their suitability for the subject. Students who are successfully invited into the Advanced Music stream at Cardijn College will be trained in various woodwind & brass instruments. Students in Year 7 Music Advanced are expected to be involved in the College’s extra-curricular music program; this may be through additional music tuition or by joining a College ensemble.


  • Solo and/or Ensemble Performance
  • Theory and aural
  • History and appreciation

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Music Advanced through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Skills presentation
  • Assessment Type 2: Skills development

Music Experience

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

This is a practical subject for students who would like to learn more about music, but who may not have any previous music experience. Students will explore a variety of areas, possibly including vocals, piano, guitar, bass, drums, percussion and music technology. The subject offers an exciting introduction to ensemble performance, along with some basic music theory concepts.


  • Rhythm section instruments
  • Basic music theory
  • Ensemble performance
  • Music technology

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Music Experience through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Skills presentation
  • Assessment Type 2: Skills development

Visual Art

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the visual arts, building practical skills across a variety of artistic media. Students will look at the work of historical and contemporary artists from different contexts, and they will work individually and in collaboration with their peers to produce artworks. This course will develop students’ skills in the fundamentals of different art disciplines and engage them in personal concept development and presentation of their own works.


  • Exploration of different art forms and disciplines including drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture
  • Concept development
  • Resolution and presentation of art works
  • Learning about visual arts in different contexts
  • Analysing and responding to artworks

Evidence of Learning

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Visual Arts: Art through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Practical
  • Assessment Type 2: Folio



Duration of Course – Full Year
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1

Through the study of languages, students develop knowledge and skills that enable them to communicate, and to draw comparisons across languages and cultures. 

Students use spoken and written Indonesian in a range of personal and social contexts to describe people, places, events or conditions; to discuss likes, dislikes and preferences; to present information and talk about personal and social worlds. They explore the diverse culture of Indonesia and make comparisons between Australian and Indonesian culture and reflect on the differences between the English and Indonesian languages. They use Indonesian to collaborate and to problem-solve and reflect on how the Indonesian language, culture and identity are interconnected, comparing this with their own language(s), culture(s) and identity.


Over the course of the year, students will investigate the following topics:

  • Family
  • School
  • Transport
  • Clothing
  • Routines

Learning activities include:

  • Research tasks on Indonesian culture, geography and history
  • Viewing films
  • Writing and presenting role-plays
  • Listening to and analysing songs
  • Vocabulary and grammar tests


Duration of Course – Full Year
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1

Through the study of languages, students develop knowledge and skills that enable them to communicate, and to draw comparisons across languages and cultures. 

Students use spoken and written Italian in a range of personal and social contexts to describe people, places, events or conditions; to discuss likes, dislikes and preferences; to present information and talk about personal and social worlds. They explore the diverse culture of Italy and make comparisons between Australian and Italian culture and reflect on the differences between the English and Italian languages. They use Italian to collaborate and to problem-solve and reflect on how the Italian language, culture and identity are interconnected comparing this with their own language(s), culture(s) and identity.


Over the course of the year, students will investigate the following topics:

  • Greetings and basic vocabulary 
  • School in Italy 
  • The family 
  • Animals
  • Italian food

Learning activities include:

  • Research tasks on Italian culture, geography and history
  • Viewing Italian films
  • Writing and presenting role-plays
  • Listening to and analysing Italian songs
  • Vocabulary and grammar tests


Design Technology (Food)

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Subject Description
This subject allows students to read, design and create recipes. Students will learn about kitchen safety, healthy eating, immerging in cultural foods, and developing cooking literacy. This practical rich course to develop skills and techniques while enabling students to reflect on their work through peer and individual evaluations. 


  • Kitchen Critters– understanding use of kitchen equipment
  • Roles of fruits in our diet (importance of a balanced diet)
  • Cultural experiences of world foods
  • Developing cooking literacy

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Design Technology (Food) through the following assessment types:

  • Kitchen Critters 25%
  • Cultural Immersion 25%                
  • Power of good foods 25%                
  • Glossary Task 25%

Design Technology (Maker Space)

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Subject Description
This course allows students to develop their knowledge and skills in a contemporary and well-resourced technologies learning environment.

Students are introduced and develop skills and knowledge in Binary Data, the Internet, Technical Drawing, Fusion (computer aided design), 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, CNC mills and lathes, Scratch (visual animation programming), TinkerCAD (electronics) and Arduino Uno.

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Design Technology (Maker Space) through the following assessment types:

  • Data & the Internet 20%
  • Orthographic & isometric Drawing 20%
  • CAD Key Tag Design 20%
  • CAD CAM Lego Brick
  • Arduino Uno Microprocessor Folio  20%

Digital Technology: Robotics

Duration of Course – 1 Semester
Entry Point – Beginning of Term 1 or Term 3

Subject Description
Have you ever dreamed of controlling your own robot? This subject allows students to design, construct and program robotic inventions to achieve a vast array of tasks and challenges. The subject promotes teamwork, problem solving and creativity, all combined within an exciting learning environment that offers students the chance to find innovative digital solutions to some of the world’s most pressing ethical concerns.

Students will develop their icon-based coding skills and mechatronic build skills using the EV3 Lego Mindstorm platform.  

Evidence of Learning
Students have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning in Year 7 Digital Technology: Robotics through the following assessment types:

  • Robot Infographic 30%
  • Robot Practical Checklist 30%
  • Robot Project 40%
R – 9



At Cardijn College Galilee in Aldinga, we offer education from Reception to Year 9, creating a nurturing environment where each student feels a unique sense of belonging. This campus is known for its focus on ecological awareness and community involvement.

7 – 12



Cardijn College Marian, located in Noarlunga Downs, educates students from Years 7 to 12. It is celebrated for its comprehensive curriculum and vibrant extra-curricular program that caters to a diverse student body, providing varied learning pathways that meet individual needs and aspirations.

10 – 12



Cardijn College Marcellin in Christie Downs is focused on providing extensive vocational education and training opportunities for students in Years 10 to 12 and beyond. Our strong industry partnerships help extend relationships into our students’ future careers, offering real-world experiences that are second to none.