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House System

Student development often refers to the College’s educational involvement with students. The wellbeing of our students goes beyond the classroom. Our house system builds a team environment in which students can fulfil their potential.

Pastoral care is coordinated within each of the eight Houses: Chavoin, Chisholm, Faulkner, Kolbe, Lombard, MacKillop, Mitchell and Romero.

Cardijn has always had a strong tradition of pastoral care since its inception and the move to the house system was made many years ago. This focus on student development continues to provide excellent care for all of our students.

Homerooms are vertically grouped, meaning that each homeroom consists of students in Years 7, 8 & 9 in the middle school or Years 10, 11 & 12 in the senior years, still as part of the same House. This allows for peer mentoring from our older students, increased leadership opportunities and for each student to remain with the same homeroom teacher for a 3-year period.

Students build a strong sense of loyalty to their house and form strong relationships amongst many age groups. Each house, with its special spirit, looks to challenge, inspire and support students.

Student development will be coordinated within each of the houses by the following members of staff:

House Leaders

  • Chavoin – Mr Pasquale Vita (Middle Years) and Ms Channelle Santucci (Senior Years)
  • Chisholm  – Ms Brianna Cameron (Middle Years) and Mr Anthony Martin (Senior Years)
  • Faulkner – Mr Chris MacDonald (Middle Years) and Ms Katie Brown (Senior Years)
  • Kolbe – Mr Jack Clark (Middle Years) and Ms Anne-Marie Taylor (Senior Years)
  • Lombard – Ms Sue Stenson (Middle Years) and Mr Sam Muscat (Senior Years)
  • MacKillop – Mr Mark Huppatz (Middle Years) and Ms Michelle Burt​ (Senior Years)
  • Mitchell – Ms Georgia Dent (Acting) (Middle Years) and Mr Mark Andrews (Senior Years)
  • Romero – Mr Andrew Puccio (Middle Years) and Ms Robyn Sutherland (Senior Years)
R – 9



At Cardijn College Galilee in Aldinga, we offer education from Reception to Year 9, creating a nurturing environment where each student feels a unique sense of belonging. This campus is known for its focus on ecological awareness and community involvement.

7 – 12



Cardijn College Marian, located in Noarlunga Downs, educates students from Years 7 to 12. It is celebrated for its comprehensive curriculum and vibrant extra-curricular program that caters to a diverse student body, providing varied learning pathways that meet individual needs and aspirations.

10 – 12



Cardijn College Marcellin in Christie Downs is focused on providing extensive vocational education and training opportunities for students in Years 10 to 12 and beyond. Our strong industry partnerships help extend relationships into our students’ future careers, offering real-world experiences that are second to none.